Teck-Cominco Red Dog Mine

This web page provides information related to mineral dust dispersion and control efforts underway by Teck-Cominco Alaska Inc., the operators of the Red Dog mine in the vicinity of Kotzebue, Alaska. In early 2005, Teck-Cominco reported to the State DEC, DNR, Department of Health and Social Services), NANA Regional Corporation, area village leaders and other interested people and organizations about the occurrence of historical and ongoing mineral dust deposition on vegetation and soils immediately adjacent to the mine and mill.
The DEC issued Air Operating Permit governs the emissions of air contaminants from operations and equipment at the mine and mill. While our review revealed no permit violations, Teck Cominco is proactively performing various scientific and engineering studies to apply best management practices and technologies to further reduce the generation of mineral based airborne particles (dust). The State is providing guidance to Teck-Cominco in their endeavor as described in a Memorandum of Understanding. This web site is being maintained to provide easy access to all documents related to this project.
Memorandum of Understanding between DEC and Teck-Cominco relating to Fugitive Dust (PDF), updated 2007
Fugitive Dust / Dust Control Reports
- Report on Mine Related Dust, March 2005 (PDF 17.5M)
- Fugitive Dust Accumulation in Drifted Snow, Winter of 2004-2005, July 2005 (PDF 1.14M)
- Concentrate Storage Building Truck Loading Drive-Through Dust Control System Assessment, August 2005 (PDF)
- Comparison of Total Suspended Particulate Collection Efficiency, Oct. 2005 (PDF 1.18M)
- DEC Review of Comparison of Total Suspended Particulate Collection Efficiency, Oct. 2005 (PDF)
- Protocol for Evaluation of Fugitive Dust Sources of Lead and Zinc, Sept. 2005 (PDF 2.77M)
- DEC Review of Protocol for Evaluation of Fugitive Dust Sources, Nov. 2005 (PDF)
- Response to DEC Comments on Protocol for Evaluation of Fugitive Dust Sources of Lead and Zinc, December 2005 (PDF)
- DEC Mine Dust Update, May 9, 2006 (PDF 2.47M)
- Fugitive Dust Tundra Soil Sampling Letter, June 15, 2006 (PDF)
- **REVISED** 2006 Semi-Annual Fugitive Dust MOU Report, October 2006 (PDF 2.2M)
- Red Dog Mine Dust Update, May 2007 (PDF 1.0M)
- Draft Emissions Summary Report of Fugitive Particulate Matter Sources of Lead and Zinc at Red Dog Mine Site, June 2007 (PDF)
Quarterly Fugitive Dust Updates
- Fugitive Dust Update, 3rd Quarter 2005 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 4th Quarter 2005 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 1st Quarter 2006 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 2nd Quarter 2006 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 3rd Quarter 2006 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 4th Quarter 2006 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 1st Quarter 2007 (PDF 1.0M)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 2nd Quarter 2007 (PDF)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 3rd Quarter 2007 (PDF 2.75M)
- Fugitive Dust Update, 4th Quarter 2007 (PDF)
Annual Reports
- 2005 Annual Report - Total Suspended Particulates, Lead and Zinc Concentrations, March 2006 (PDF 1.1M)
- 2006 Annual Report - Total Suspended Particulates, Lead and Zinc Concentrations, May 2007 (PDF)
Other Reports
- "NEW" Spring 2009 Report:
- Vegetation Impact Assessment and Monitoring Studies (PDF 6.06M), Red Dog Mine, Alaska, Third Annual Report, March 2009
- Spring 2008 Report:
- Vegetation Impact Assessment and Monitoring Studies, Red Dog Mine, Alaska, Second Annual Report, December 2007:
- Fall 2007 Reports from semi-annual meeting between Teck Cominco and state agencies on October 26, 2007:
- Red Dog Mine Dust Update, October 2007 (PDF 2.75M) (same document as listed under Quarterly Fugitive Dust Updates above)
- Aquatic Biomonitoring in Bons Pond, and Bons and Buddy Creeks, 2004 - 2006 (PDF 1.0M) - Bill Morris, Dept of Natural Resources
- Spring 2007 Reports:
- Fall 2006 Reports:
- Assessment and Delineation of Vegetation Community Impacts and Wetland Mapping at the Red Dog Mine, July 2006 (PDF)
- The Natural Dispersal of Metals to the Environment in the Wulik River–Ikalukrok Creek Area, Western Brooks Range, Alaska (PDF)
- Mine Concentrate Storage Building (CSB) Prototype Dust Collector Test Project Observation and Conclusions, July 2006 (PDF)
- Teck-Cominco Research Proposal for Investigation of Mineral Weathering in Soils, December 2005 (PDF 1.15M)
- Particle Collection Efficiency Difference of a HI-Vol Particulate Collection System and a R&P 1400AB TEOM Particulate Collection System, March 2006 (PDF 1.1M)
- Draft Mine-Area Ecological Risk Evaluation, May 2006 (PDF 1.65M)