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Seafood Processing & Hatchery Section

APDES Permitting for Wastewater Discharges from Seafood Processing and Hatchery Facilities in Alaska

An Operator of a seafood processing or hatchery facility seeking authorization to discharge wastewater to surface waters must apply for an APDES permit. Two types of permits are available for seafood processors.

A general permit (GP) is issued on a state-wide, regional, or geographical basis for a category of disposal activities that are similar in nature and will comply with applicable water quality standards. A general permit application, known as a notice of intent (NOI) form, shall be submitted by the permittees that seek to obtain discharge authorization under the general permit. ***Note: Submit General Permit NOI's separately from Annual Reports. Please send NOI's to .

An individual permit is issued to a specific facility that is not eligible for coverage under a general permit.


Anne Weaver - Permit Writer
Environmental Specialist III
555 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-269-7483
Fax: 907-269-3487
Email: Seafood Permitting
Jackie Ebert - Seafood Section Lead
Environmental Specialist IV
410 Willoughby Ave, Suite 303
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-465-5336
Fax: 907-465-5177
Email: Seafood Permitting
Earl Crapps - Section Manager
Environmental Program Manager II
555 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-269-7681
Fax: 907-269-3487

All applicants requesting an individual permit must complete the following APDES Forms along with any category specific applications, such as existing source, new source, or mixing zone. Individual permits are issued to large facilities and those processors discharging to restricted waters that are not covered by a general permit.

Form Description
APDES Form 1 (PDF) (PDF) General Application Form Must be completed by all applicants required to obtain an individual APDES permit.
APDES Form 2C (PDF) (PDF) Existing Industrial Facilities Includes Seafood Processors.
APDES Form 2D (PDF) (PDF) New Sources and New Dischargers Application for Permit to Discharge Seafood Process Wastewater for facilities without prior permits.
APDES Form 2M (PDF) (PDF) Request for a Mixing Zone Must be completed by an applicant requesting a mixing zone for a discharge.
Applicants requesting authorization to discharge under a general permit must complete the required forms defined in the corresponding permit tabs below:

This statewide general permit replaces the AKG520000 Seafood Processors in Alaska GP and applies to seafood processors operating onshore facilities in Alaska that discharge seafood waste to marine, estuarine, and fresh waters. The permit is effective June 1, 2022 and expires May 31, 2027. Applications for coverage under the AKG521000 Onshore Seafood Processors GP are due March 1, 2022 to ensure coverage under the AKG521000 GP by June 1, 2022. Existing coverage under the AKG520000 will expire upon the effective date of the AKG521000 GP (June 1, 2022).

Owners or Operators as defined in 18 AAC 83 must submit a NOI form for each facility seeking permit coverage. Applicants can apply online via the AKG521000 electronic (eNOI) webpage. Once permittees are issued an APDES AKG521000 authorization, continued authorization to discharge is contingent upon:

  1. Compliance with AKG521000 permit requirements.
  2. Permittees submitting:
    1. Monthly DMRs;
    2. Annual Reports by March 15 each year; and
    3. Updated NOIs for material changes to facilities in a timely manner.

2023 Permit Documents and Forms

Alaska Offshore Seafood Processors GP (2018 re-issuance)

This statewide general permit is a re-issuance of the Alaska Offshore Seafood Processors GP previously issued on May 23, 2011, and modified on August 21, 2012. The re-issued AKG523000 GP applies to stationary seafood processing vessels discharging between shore (0.0 nautical miles (nm) at MLLW) and 3.0 nm from shore, and in-transit seafood processing vessels and inland water discharge vessels discharging between 0.25 nm and 3.0 nm from Alaska’s shore as delineated by MLLW. The permit became effective January 1, 2019 and expires December 31, 2023.

Owners or Operators as defined in 18 AAC 83 must submit a NOI form for each vessel seeking permit coverage. Applicants can apply online via the AKG523000 electronic (eNOI) webpage. Once permittees are issued an APDES AKG523000 Authorization, continued authorization to discharge is contingent upon:

  1. Compliance with AKG523000 permit requirements.
  2. Permittees must submit:
    1. Monthly DMRs (due quarterly)
    2. Annual Reports by March 15 each year, and
    3. Updated NOIs for material changes to facilities in a timely manner. A new NOI* is required if your vessel's discharge locations are different than the previous year.

2018 Permit Documents and Forms

This general permit is a re-issuance of the Seafood Processors Operating Shorebased Facilities in Kodiak, Alaska GP previously issued on March 16, 1998. The re-issued AKG528000 GP applies to seafood processors operating onshore facilities in Kodiak, Alaska that discharge seafood waste to marine waters. The permit is effective June 1, 2021 and expires May 31, 2026.

Owners or Operators as defined in 18 AAC 83 must submit a NOI form for each facility seeking permit coverage. Applicants can apply online via the AKG528000 electronic (eNOI) webpage. Once permittees are issued an APDES AKG528000 authorization, continued authorization to discharge is contingent upon:

  1. Compliance with AKG528000 permit requirements.
  2. Permittees submitting:
    1. Monthly DMRs;
    2. Annual Reports by March 15 each year; and
    3. Updated NOIs for material changes to facilities in a timely manner.

2020 Permit Documents and Forms

This statewide general permit applies to all concentrated aquatic animal production facilities (Aquaculture Facilities or Hatcheries) in Alaska that produce, hold, or contain 20,000 pounds or more of aquatic animals per year in ponds, raceways, or other similar structures; feed 5,000 pounds or more of food during a calendar month; and discharge at least 30 days per year.

On May 31, 2023, the Division of Water issued APDES General Permit for Aquaculture Facilities, AKG130000 (2023 Permit), with the permit effective date of October 1, 2023. On August 21, 2023, Requestors filed a request for adjudicatory hearing pursuant to 18 AAC 15.200 and a Request for a partial stay of permit provisions of the 2023 Permit.

Effective September 29, 2023, the Request to stay the Division’s May 31, 2023, issuance of AKG130000 was granted. The stay granted by the decision applies to stay the effective date of the 2023 Permit until such time as the adjudicatory hearing proceedings have concluded. The stay applies to all facilities covered by the 2023 Permit.

The permit that presently covers Aquaculture facilities in Alaska became effective on March 1, 2018, and was administratively extended on March 1, 2023. The extended authorizations under the 2018 general permit remain in full effect, and permittees should continue to operate and report in accordance with the 2018 AKG130000 general permit.

Owners or operators of multiple facilities must submit a separate NOI form for each site or facility. If requesting a Zone of Deposit, applicants must submit the information required in 18 AAC 70.210(b) with the NOI form.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their NOIs and compliance documents through the online EDMS system at

Alternatively, applicants may submit paper copy NOIs to:

Department of Environmental Conservation
Wastewater Discharge Authorization Program
555 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK 99501

Permit Documents and Forms (2018 issuance)

Permit Documents and Forms (2023 issuance)

  • NPDES AKG524000 Offshore Seafood Processors in Alaska GP Covers seafood processors that discharge more than 3.0 nm from shore at mean lower low water or baseline, whichever is farther. Permittees must contact EPA and submit the AKG524000 NOI to request authorization to discharge. See EPA's webpage for further information (permit and NOI).
  • NPDES Vessel General Permit - Covers seafood processing vessel discharges when they are not operating as a processing vessel, but only acting in a mode of transportation. See EPA's webpage for further information (permit and NOI).

Engineering Support and Plan Review

Applicants who construct, alter, install, modify, or operate any part of a nondomestic wastewater treatment works or disposal system must first have written department approval of engineering plans (Per Article 6. Nondomestic Wastewater System Plan Review 18 AAC 72.600 (PDF)). Written approval is not required for an emergency repair or routine maintenance; however, contact with the DEC must be made prior to emergency repair.

The review, construction and approval process for getting approval of an engineered wastewater disposal system can be found on the Engineering Support and Plan Review webpage.

ESPR Contact:
Tonya Bear, P.E., ESPR Acting Section Manager
Division of Water
Department of Environmental Conservation
610 University Ave. Fairbanks, AK 99709

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