Particulate Matter: Projects & Reports
Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution, is made up of a number of components, including a mixture of acids, metals, petroleum byproducts, diesel soot, dust particles and soil. There are two types of particulate matter EPA is concerned about. These are PM10 (coarse) and PM2.5 (fine). Exposures to both are harmful to human health.

Select tab below to view related documents:
- ADEC ESP Cordwood Test Report
- FNSB ESP Pellet Test Report
- North Pole PM2.5 Saturation Study - 2017
- Fairbanks 2013-2015 Home Heating Survey Report, March 2016 (PDF)
- PM2.5 Monitor Correlations Report - 2016 (PDF)
- PM2.5 Monitor Correlations Report - 2015 (PDF)
- Fairbanks North Star Borough PM2.5 Research
- Fairbanks 2012 Home Heating Survey Report, April 2012 (PDF)
- Wood Storage Best Practices in Fairbanks, Alaska, June 2011 (PDF)
- Fairbanks 2011 Home Heating Survey Report, June 2011 (PDF)
- Fairbanks 2010 Home Heating Survey Report, June 2010 (PDF)
- Characterizing Vehicular Contributions to PM2.5 in Fairbanks, February 2010
- Ruby Road Dust Report, 2015-2016, August 2017 (PDF)
- A Preliminary Assessment of Fugitive Dust from Roads in Eight Alaskan Villages in the Northwest Arctic Borough Project Report, 2003-2005, March 2012 (PDF)
- Kotzebue Road Dust Report, 2002-2008, August 2011 (PDF)
- Rural Alaska Dust Solutions, ADEC 2010 (PDF)
- Rural Alaska Dust Survey Preliminary Results, ADEC 2010 (PDF)
- Rural Alaska Dust Control Report, March 2006 (PDF)
- Alaska DOT and UAF Dust Projects (PDF)