Area Plan References and Tools
Links to references and tools in support of the State of Alaska's 4 Area Contingency Plans. References and Tools provided do not reflect specific endorsement or mandate by members of the: Area Committees, ARRT, or signatory agencies, however are provided to assist responders. If there appears to be a conflict between what is stated in documents found within the References and Tools web page and what is stated within statutory or regulatory requirements, the statutory or regulatory requirements shall be followed.
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Overview Documents
- List of all references and tools, including hyperlinks
- Communities by Area Committee – A list of the communities in Alaska cross-referenced to their respective Area Committee, Geographic Zone, LEPC, local and tribal government, and regional native corporation.
- CY22 Regional Area Planning FAQ
Contact Information
- Alaska DCRA, Community Database Online
- ACP Contact Directory
- Alaska DCRA, Federally Recognized Tribes Directory
- Alaska Regional and Village Corporations Directory
- Alaska Regional Corporations and Non-profit Organizations Directory
- U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Leaders Directory
- Natural and Cultural Resource Protection
- ARRT members and contact information
National and Statewide Policy
- National Contingency Plan
- Alaska Regional Contingency Plan
- Environmental Protection Agency Radiological Emergency Response Plan | US EPA
Agency Response Guides
Agency Incident Management Guidance
References & Tools by Position
- Alaska Implementation Guidelines for the Protection of Historic Properties (PDF 130K)
- ARRT Guidelines for Places of Refuge Decision-Making (PDF 648K)
Public Information Officer
- Job Aid: Public Information Officer (PDF 701K)
- NRT Public Information Resources
- NRT Risk Communication
Regional Stakeholder Committees
Safety Officer
- Alaska OSHA, Physical Agent Data Sheets
- Job Aid: Health and Safety (PDF 456K)
- Northwest Area Contingency Plan, Health and Safety Job Aid Site Safety Job Aid (Link coming soon)
- Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers
- Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers under OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard, OSHA Publication 3172
- USEPA Safety Officer Toolbox
- Alaska Sensitive Areas Compendium (PDF 28M)
- Alaska Scenarios Compendium (PDF 1.7M)
- ARRT Guidelines for Places of Refuge Decision-Making (PDF 648K)
- Characteristic Coastal Habitats - Choosing Spill Response Alternatives, NOAA 2017 (PDF 5.2M)
- Decanting Guidance (PDF 1.4M)
- Disposal of Polluted Soil
- Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Arctic Waters, 2nd Edition, EPPR 2017 (PDF 7.8M)
- Geographic Response Strategies, GRS
- Guide to Oil Spill Response in Snow and Ice Conditions in the Arctic, Arctic Council, Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response, 2015
- Job Aid: Cultural Resources
- Job Aid: Marine Fire Fighting, Salvage and Lightering (PDF 335K)
- NCP Subpart J Product Schedule
- Potential Places of Refuge, PPOR
- Protocol for using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) during an oil spill response or exercise
- Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) Manual, NOAA - see also the References and Tools for the Subject “SCAT” below
- Tundra Treatment Guidelines, A Manual for Treating Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills to Tundra 3rd Edition, ADEC 2010
- Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska, v.2020.2 (PDF 8M) (Also refer to the References & Tools by Subject section below, under the WILDLIFE, FISH, AND THEIR HABITATS heading for associated, standalone guidelines, forms, and job-aids.)
- NOAA’s Characteristics of Response Strategies (PDF 1.2M)
- Response System Planning Calculators, BSEE
- BSEE offshore-information for Coastal Zone Contingency Planning
- Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) Protocols (PDF 770K)
- NOAA OR&R Response Tools for Oil Spills
- NOAA OR&R Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation
- NOAA OR&R Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid
- Intentional Wellhead Ignition Fact Sheet
- Intentional Wellhead Ignition Risk Benefit Model Worksheet
- Alaska Sensitive Areas Compendium (PDF 28M)
- Alaska Scenarios Compendium (PDF 1.7M)
- Alaska Spill Response Permits Tool
- Dispersant Use Checklist (PDF 690K)
- Dispersant Use Guidelines, ARRT 2016 (PDF 1.1M)
- Geographic Response Strategies, GRS
- In Situ Burning Checklist (PDF 277K)
- Alaska Inland Area On-Scene Coordinator In Situ Burning (ISB) Checklists
- In Situ Burning Guidelines, ARRT 2008 (PDF 1.5M)
- Job Aid: Waste Management and Disposal (PDF 278K)
- Potential Places of Refuge, PPOR
- Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique, SCAT
- Tundra Treatment Guidelines, A Manual for Treating Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills to Tundra, 3rd Edition, ADEC 2010
- Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska, v.2020.2 (Also refer to the References & Tools by Subject section below, under the WILDLIFE, FISH, AND THEIR HABITATS heading for associated, standalone guidelines, forms, and job-aids.)
- Demobilization Plan (coming soon)
- USCG Response Resource Inventory System
- ADEC Spill Information
- ARRT Guidelines for Places of Refuge Decision-Making
- ADEC List of Approved Soil Treatment Facilities
- ADEC Lab Approval Program
- ADEC List of Approved Labs
- ADEC Solid Waste Information Management System (SWIMS)
- NOAA OR&R Response Tools for Oil and Chemical Spills
- NOAA OR&R Seafood Safety After an Oil Spill
References & Tools by Subject
Wildlife, Fish, and their Habitats
Sensitive Areas
Additional Resources
- NOAA Arctic ERMA
- NOAA Alaska ShoreZone
- NMFS Alaska Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Mapper
- ADF&G Anadromous Waters Catalog Mapper
- NOAA Environmental Sensitivity (ESI) Maps
Wildlife Protection Guidelines
Pribilof Islands Wildlife Protection Guidelines
Wildlife Response Plans
Tactics and Forms
- Tactic: Wildlife Recon
- Wildlife Observation Form
- Tactic: Collection of Small Carcasses and Documentation of Large Carcasses
- Carcass Collection Form
- Transport Log for Carcasses
- Carcass Collection Job Aid for Small Carcasses
Wildlife Capture Forms
Emergency Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation
- Alaska Region Spill Response Emergency Endangered Species Act Consultation Initiation Template
- Alaska Region Spill Response Emergency Endangered Species Act Post-Response Consultation Close-Out Template
Additional Guidance
- Checklist: Vessel Grounding or Sinking Response
- Rat Prevention Guidelines for Vessels
- Wildlife Response Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Documents Incorporated by Reference
- 2020 Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska
- 2021 Fishery Management Plan for the Salmon Fisheries in the EEZ off Alaska
- USFWS Best Practices for Migratory Bird Care during Oil Spill Response
- NMFS Arctic Marine Mammal Disaster Response Guidelines and Appendices
- NMFS Cook Inlet and Kodiak Marine Mammal Disaster Response Guidelines and Appendices
- NMFS Pinniped and Cetacean Oil Spill Response Guidelines
- USFWS Oil Spill Response Plan for Polar Bears in Alaska
- Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Sea Otters: A guide for oil spills involving fur bearing animals
- Ensuring Food Safety Following an Oil Spill in Alaska: Regulatory Authorities and Responsibilities
Interagency Cooperation Programmatic consultation Background
- Biological Assessment Prepared by Windward Consulting on behalf of USCG District 17 and EPA Region 10
- Biological Opinion Issued by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Biological Opinion Issued by U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Fisheries
- Essential Fish Habitat Analysis
- Inter-agency Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Oil Spill Planning and Response Activities Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act's National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan and the Endangered Species Act
Natural resource damage assessment and restoration
Cultural Resources & Historic Properties
- Alaska Implementation Guidelines for the Protection of Historic Properties (PDF 130K)
- Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties During Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (PDF 68K)
- Cultural Resources Job Aid
- Alaska Oil Spill Response and Cultural Resources
- Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders
Hazardous Substances
- Alaska Tier II Reporting (EPLAN access is limited to response agencies, contact: for additional information)
- Alaska Regional Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Response Teams Brochure (PDF 598K)
- Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
- Chemtrec
- Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations, EPA
- Emergency Response Guidebook, 2020
- Environmental Protection Agency: Radiological Emergency Response Plan, 2017 (PDF 1M)
- Evidence-Based Planning Guidance for Patient Decontamination: “Patient Decontamination in a Mass Chemical Exposure Incident: National Planning Guidance for Communities.”
- Hazardous Materials Commodities Flow Study, ADEC 2010 (PDF 30M)
- Job Aid: Hazardous Substance Guidance (PDF 621K)
- Job Aid: Radiation Response Guidance (PDF 377K)
- List of Lists. Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community center-To-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act
- National Institutes of Health PubChem open Chemistry Database
- Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to the NRF (PDF 230K)
- NCP 40 CFR 300.400 Hazardous Substance Response Subpart E
- International Maritime Dangerous Goods Codes
- Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials, NFPA catalog
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
- Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
- NIOSH Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards
- NOAA CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
- NOAA ALOHA Air hazard modeling program within CAMEO
- Hazardous Materials Response Special Teams Capabilities and Contact Handbook (PDF 3MB)
- NOAA OR&R ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres)
- NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory HYSPLIT
- NOAA OR&R Response Tools for Oil and Chemical Spills
- US NRC Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan Checklist
- Waste Management Tables
Natural Disasters/Stafford Act Disasters
Mapping and GIS
- ADEC Geographic Information Systems Web Maps
- ADEC Open Data (GIS Data)
- Alaska Community Database Online
- Alaska Mapper, ADNR
- The DNR Open Data Hub provides access to geo-spatial land and resource data, applications, maps, and publications produced and maintained by the divisions and offices of the Department of Natural Resources.
- Environmental Response Management Application®, NOAA
- Geographic Response Strategies, GRS
- National Pipeline Mapping System, DOT PHMSA
- NOAA United States Coast Pilot (Alaska is in Coast Pilot Volume 9)
- Potential Places of Refuge, PPOR
- Shorezone Mapper
Air Operations
- Airline Data Inc.
- AirportIQ 5010: Airport Master Records and Reports
- Alaska DOT, Division of Statewide Aviation
- Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region website
- Alaska Supplement to the FAA Flight Information Publication
- NWS Alaska Aviation Unit
- Protocol for using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) during an oil spill response or exercise
- Alaska Shoreline Countermeasures Manual, NOAA April 1994 (PDF 457K)
- Job Aid: SCAT Guidance (PDF 99K)
- NOAA Shoreline Assessment Job Aid, 2014 (PDF 12 MB)
- Shoreline Assessment Manual, 4th edition, NOAA, August 2013 (PDF 14M)
- The Arctic SCAT Manual, A Field Guide to the Documentation of Oiled Shorelines in Arctic Regions, Environmental Canada, July 2004 (PDF 1M)
OSRO/PRAC/Industry Response Procedures and Equipment
Industry Websites & References of OSROs and PRACS and Registered Nontank Vessel Contractors (if available)
Weather, Rivers, Tides, and Ice
- NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Arctic Action Team
- NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Geophysics and Bathymetry
- NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Sea Ice
- NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Oceans & Coasts
- NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Weather and Climate
- NOAA’s Tides and Currents
- NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
- NWS Alaska Aviation Unit
- NWS Ice Desk
- NWS River Conditions
- NWS SPOT weather forecast for incident and events
- NWS SEAK Rivers
Background Information
- ADEC Spill History Database
- ADEC Spill Tactics for Alaska Responders Video Training Aids
- Alaska Oceanographic Circulation Diagrams and Graphics (PDF 48M)
- Alaska Scenarios Compendium (PDF 1.7M)
- Alaska Pipelines Jurisdictional Tool: Jurisdictional Tool, PHMSA or EPA (PDF 4.7M)
- Alaska Spill Prevention and Response Guidance Documents
- Alaska Spill Prevention and Response Statutes and Regulations
- Alaska State Emergency Response Commission, SERC / Local Emergency Planning Committees, LEPC
- Alaska Tier II Reporting. (EPLAN access is limited to response agencies, contact: for additional information)
- Arctic Science Portal
- Ensuring Food Safety Following an Oil Spill in Alaska: Regulatory Authorities and Responsibilities in Alaska (PDF 5.5M)
- Laws, Regulations and Directives, Federal
- National Response System Brochure (PDF 7.5M)
- DOT PHMSA Oil Spill Exercise and Response Training Videos
- Full Text NCP
- USEPA NCP Overview
- Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
- DOI: NRDAR Primer
- NOAA Office of Response and Restoration: NRDAR
ICS Resources
- United States Coast Guard ICS Position Job Aids
- ICS Operational Planning P’s
- FEMA IAP Process "The Planning P"
- National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- FEMA EMI ICS Resource Center
- FEMA NIMS Components Guidance and Tools
- NIMS Can Help: Command and Coordination (MAC)
- NIMS Emergency Operations Center Skill Sets Users Guide (EOC)
- NIMS Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, and Appointed)
Preparedness Resources
- EPA How to Better Prepare Your Community for a Chemical Emergency: A Guide for State, Tribal, and Local Agencies
- EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention on Tribal Lands
- Alaska SERC and LEPCs
- ADHSEM Small Community Emergency Response Plans
- ADHSEM State of Alaska Evacuation Planning Guide
- ADHSEM Local Area Emergency Alert System Plans
- USCG Marine Environmental Response and Preparedness Manual
- USEPA Area Planning Handbook
- National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program Guidelines, 2016
Acronyms and Definitions
For More Information
- Additional Information and Resources are available on the U.S. National Response Team website, under Resources
- Contact DEC: