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Operator Certification and Training Program

The mission of the Operator Certification Program is to ensure that the customers of Alaskan public water systems and public and private wastewater systems are provided with an adequate supply of safe, potable drinking water, are confident that their water is safe to drink, are assured that wastewater is properly treated and discharged into Alaskan waters, and that the operators are trained and certified as well as have the knowledge and understanding of public health reasons for drinking water and wastewater discharge standards.

Alaskan Operator Code of Ethics

To the best of my ability, I will strive to provide good service, protect and preserve public health, public property and the environment by correctly operating water supply and wastewater system equipment, properly completing required reports, adhering to relevant State and Federal regulations, continuing my education in the field, and working with my utility managers to establish clear operating policies for the facilities I operate.


2023 Water System Excellence Award Winners

List of Award Recipients

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