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Prince William Sound Area

The Prince William Sound Area Contingency Plan (PWS ACP) represents a coordinated and cooperative effort by government agencies. This document contains information applicable to pollution response within the Prince William Sound Captain of the Port (COTP) coastal zone. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) have written this area contingency plan jointly. It meets the pollution response contingency planning requirements under the National Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Alaska Regional Contingency Plan (RCP) applicable to the State and Federal government. Additional references and tools to support a response linked within the ACP are available on the ADEC’s website. These references and tools provide valuable information used to support a response to an oil discharge or hazardous substance release anywhere in Alaska.

The PWS state and federal On-Scene Coordinators seek participation from interested parties in the PWS Area Committee in our response preparedness efforts. If you would like to participate in the Area Committee, please contact the PWS Area Secretary, LT Shelby Frasca, or Julie Liford-Parker, DEC AK Area Planner.

PWS GRS Subcommittee
PWS GRS Charter

Public Engagement Opportunities

Next Area Committee Meeting

PWS Area Committee Meeting

Plan Documents

Associated Plan Documents

Dispersant Use Avoidance Areas

Area Map (click image to expand)

The Prince William Sound Area mimics the Captain of the Port Zone and extends seaward from the coastline 200 nautical miles to the Economic Exclusion Zone. The Area also extends inland 1,000 yards. The following geographic zones lie partially within the Prince William Sound Area:

  • 2 - Prince William Sound

Note- The Western boundary of the Prince William Sound Area and Prince William Sound Geographic Zone are slightly offset (less than 20km). The following maps provide a visual representation of this offset:

Past Area Committee Meetings

For More Information

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